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- Di Lorenzo T, Lunghi E, Aanei C, Altermatt F, Alther R, Amorim IR, Băncilă RI, et al. (2024) EU Needs Groundwater Ecosystems Guidelines. Science 386(6726): 1103–1103
- Alther R, Cerroti F, Cereghetti E, Krähenbühl A, Altermatt F (2024) Generalization of a Density-Dependent Ecosystem Function in Dominant Aquatic Macroinvertebrates. Oikos: e10774
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2024) Terrestrial Land Use Signals on Groundwater Fauna beyond Current Protection Buffers. Ecological Applications: e3040
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Couton M, Altermatt F (2024) Temporal Consistency and Spatial Variability in Detection: Implications for Monitoring of Macroinvertebrates from Shallow Groundwater Aquifers. Subterranean Biology 49: 139–161
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Locher N, Ozgul A, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2024) Systematic and Highly Resolved Modelling of Biodiversity in Inherently Rare Groundwater Amphipods. Journal of Biogeography 51(11), 2094–2108
- Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2024) Pronounced Changes of Subterranean Biodiversity Patterns along a Late Pleistocene Glaciation Gradient. Ecography 2024(8): e07321
- Stoch F, Knüsel M, Zakšek V, Alther R, Salussolia A, Altermatt F, Fišer C, Flot JF (2024) Integrative Taxonomy of the Groundwater Amphipod Niphargus Bihorensis Schellenberg, 1940 Reveals a Species-Rich Clade. Contributions to Zoology 93(4): 371–395
- Schneider AS, Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2024) Grundwasserbiodiversität: Makroinvertebraten in Schweizer Grundwasserökosystemen – Vorkommen, Vielfalt und Biomasse. Aqua & Gas 104 (3), 16–23
- Couton M, Studer A, Hürlemann S, Locher N, Knüsel M, Alther R, Altermatt F (2023) Integrating citizen science and environmental DNA metabarcoding to study biodiversity of groundwater amphipods in Switzerland. Scientific Reports 13:18097
- Knüsel M, Borko Š, Alther R, Salussolia A, Flot J-F, Altermatt F, Fišer C, Stoch F (2023) Phylogenetic structure and molecular species delimitation hint a complex evolutionary history in an Alpine endemic Niphargus clade (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Zoologischer Anzeiger 302, 27–36
- Cereghetti E & Altermatt F (2023) Spatio-temporal dynamics in freshwater amphipod assemblages are associated with surrounding terrestrial land use type. Ecosphere 14: e4469
- Studer A, Knüsel M, Alther R, Hürlemann S, Altermatt F (2022) Erfassung der Grundwasserflohkrebse. Studie zur Artenvielfalt und Verbreitung im Einzugsgebiet der Töss. Aqua & Gas 102 (4), 19–22
- Alther R, Krähenbühl A, Bucher P, Altermatt F (2023) Optimizing laboratory cultures of Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea: Amphipoda) as a study organism in environmental sciences and ecotoxicology. Science of The Total Environment 855, 158730
- Alther R, Altermatt F (2021) Die unterirdische Flohkrebsfauna der Schweiz. Stalactite 71 (1), 72–81
- Alther R, Fronhofer EA, Altermatt F (2021) Dispersal behaviour and riverine network connectivity shape the genetic diversity of freshwater amphipod metapopulations. Molecular Ecology 30(24), 6551-6565
- Alther R, Bongni N, Borko Š, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2021) Citizen science approach reveals groundwater fauna in Switzerland and a new species of Niphargus (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). Subterranean Biology 39, 1–31
- Alther R, Bongni N, Borko Š, Fišer C, Altermatt F (2020) Reiche Grundwasserfauna – Pilotstudie fördert Artenvielfalt zutage. Aqua & Gas 100 (7/8), 36–42
- Little CJ, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F (2020) Nonlinear Effects of Intraspecific Competition Alter Landscape-Wide Scaling Up of Ecosystem Function. American Naturalist 195: 432–444
- Altermatt F, Alther R, Fišer C, Švara V (2019) Amphipoda (Flohkrebse) der Schweiz. Fauna Helvetica 32, info fauna CSCF & SEG, Neuchâtel. Buch bestellen
- Little CJ, Fronhofer EA & Altermatt F (2019) Dispersal syndromes can impact ecosystem functioning in spatially structured freshwater populations. Biology Letters 15: 20180865
- Little CJ & Altermatt F (2019) Differential resource consumption in leaf litter mixtures by native and non-native amphipods. Aquatic Ecology 53: 151–162
- Alther R (2018) Diversity and Distribution of Amphipods in Switzerland. (Doktorarbeit)
- Fišer C, Alther R, Zakšek V, Borko S, Fuchs A, Altermatt F. (2018) Translating Niphargus barcodes from Switzerland into taxonomy with a description of two new species (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). ZooKeys 760: 113-141
- Little CJ & Altermatt F (2018) Landscape configuration alters spatial arrangement of terrestrial-aquatic subsidies in headwater streams. Landscape Ecology 33: 1519–1531
- Little CJ & Altermatt F (2018) Do priority effects outweigh environmental filtering in a guild of dominant freshwater macroinvertebrates? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20180205
- Little CJ & Altermatt F (2018) Species turnover and invasion of dominant freshwater invertebrates alter biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship. Ecological Monographs 88: 461–480
- Alther R & Altermatt F. (2018) Fluvial network topology shapes communities of native and non-native amphipods. Ecosphere 9 (2): e02102
- Alther R, Fišer C, Konec M, Švara V, Altermatt F. (2017) Das Hölloch: Ein Flohkrebs-Hotspot in der Schweiz. Stalactite 67 (1), 10-16
- Alther R, Fišer C, Altermatt F. (2017) Description of a widely distributed but overlooked amphipod species in the European Alps. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179 (4), 751-766
- Fišer C, Konec M, Alther R, Švara V & Altermatt F. (2017) Taxonomic, phylogenetic and ecological diversity of Niphargus (Amphipoda: Crustacea) in the Hölloch cave system (Switzerland). Systematics and Biodiversity 15(3)
- Eisenring M, Altermatt F, Westram AM & Jokela J. (2016) Habitat requirements and ecological niche of two cryptic amphipod species at landscape and local scales. Ecosphere 7: e01319
- Altermatt F, Alther R & Mächler E. (2016) Spatial patterns of genetic diversity, community composition and occurrence of native and non-native amphipods in naturally replicated tributary streams. BMC Ecology 16: 23
- Altermatt, F., Alther R, Fišer C, Jokela J, Konec M, Küry D, Mächler E, Stucki P, Westram AM. (2014) Diversity and distribution of freshwater amphipod species in Switzerland (Crustacea: Amphipoda). PLoS ONE 9(10): e110328